Form Information:
Massively increase your E-E-A-T and rankings by acquiring high-level editorial backlinks from well-known magazines, newspapers and other trustable publications with our Journalistic Link Building campaigns.
We’ll pitch journalists and researchers on your behalf to add valuable information to their article research. These pieces get typically published in high-trust sites and syndicated to the likes of MSN, Yahoo, and other big outlets.
The result? A wave of top-tier links money can’t buy (not directly!). A big boost in site reputation, better rankings, and more sales.
Pricing Structure
We don’t actually control where or how many links you get with each pitch (that’s the point of going for such an organic approach). The way it works is simple:
Place a $3000 deposit. We then pitch and secure links. For every valid link, its value will get deducted from your deposit per the table below: